The 2003 Acta Materialia Gold Medal has been awarded to professor Gareth Thomas, University of California, Berkeley, and currently V.P. R&D MMFX Technologies Corp., Irvine California. Professor Thomas’ lifetime in research has been devoted to understanding the fundamentals of structure property relations in materials for which he has also pioneered the development and applications of electron microscopy and microanalysis. He established the first laboratory for high voltage electron microscopy, at UC Berkeley. These researches have contributed to the development and microstruc-tural tailoring of materials from steels and aluminum alloys, to high temperature and functional ceramics and magnetic materials, for specific property performances, and have resulted in a dozen patents.
The 2003 Acta Materialia Gold Medal has been awarded to professor Gareth Thomas, University of California, Berkeley, and currently VP R & D MMFX Technologies Corp., Irvine California. Professor Thomas’ lifetime in research has been devoted to understanding the fundamentals of structure property relations in materials for which he he also also pioneered the development and applications of electron microscopy and microanalysis. He established the first laboratory for high voltage electron microscopy, at UC Berkeley. These researches have contributed to the development and microstruc-tural tailoring of materials from steels and aluminum alloys, to high temperature and functional ceramics and magnetic materials, for specific property performances, and have resulted in a dozen patents.