目的 对HIV感染者危险行为、临床表现及转归进行分析。方法 每年对新发现的感染者进行入户调查和体检,填写个案调查表。结果 感染者中88%为吸毒者,其中67%的人经常与他人共用注射器吸毒,28%的女性感染者有卖淫行为,24%的男性感染者有嫖娼行为,感染者与配偶和性伴经常使用安全套的比例为13%;主要临床症状为全身淋巴结肿大、体重下降、发热、咳嗽、皮疹和腹泻;164例(7%)感染者在随后的随访中被诊断为艾滋病病人;456人(19.4%)在随访过程中发现已经死亡。感染者从发现感染到发病的时间最长为10年,最短为1年,平均为5.06年。结论 绝大多数感染者通过共用注射器静脉吸毒感染艾滋病,相当一部分感染者同时存在卖淫、嫖娼和性乱行为,安全套使用率低,性传播威胁大,感染者多出现呼吸道、消化道和皮肤症状,从发现感染到发病的平均时间为5.06年。
Objective To analyze the dangerous behavior, clinical manifestation and prognosis of HIV-infected persons. Methods Every year, newly discovered infected persons are investigated on their homes and their physical examinations are completed. Case studies are completed. As a result, 88% of those infected were drug users, 67% of them regularly shared syringe abuse with others, 28% of women had prostitution, 24% of men had prostitution, and the infected and spouse and partner often The main clinical symptoms were generalized lymphadenopathy, weight loss, fever, cough, rash and diarrhea; 164 (7%) were diagnosed as AIDS at subsequent follow-up visits; 456 19.4%) were found dead during follow-up. Infection from the onset of infection to the onset of the longest 10 years, the shortest of 1 year, with an average of 5.66 years. Conclusions The vast majority of infected persons are infected with HIV through intravenous drug sharing syringes. A considerable proportion of those infected have prostitution, prostitution and sexual promiscuity simultaneously. Condom use is low, and the risk of sexual transmission is high. Infection, respiratory, digestive and dermatological symptoms are frequently found in those infected. The average time from finding the infection to onset was 5.06 years.