纸杯分冷饮杯和热饮杯两种,它们“各司其职”,一旦“错位”,就会威胁到消费者的健康。冷饮纸杯的表面经过喷蜡或浸蜡处理,在较低温度时,这种蜡是非常安全的,但如果用来装热饮,只要水温超过62℃,蜡就熔化,纸杯会吸水变形。熔化的石蜡杂质含量高,特别是它里面含有的多环芳烃有机化合物,可能是一种致癌的物质,随饮料进入人体,会危害身体健康。而热饮纸杯的表面会黏贴一层特殊薄膜, 不仅耐热性好,而且无毒无害。
Paper cups are divided into two kinds of cold drink cups and hot drink cups, they “work their part”, once “misplaced”, it will threaten the health of consumers. The surface of a cold drink cup is sprayed or waxed. This wax is very safe at lower temperatures, but if it is used for hot drinks, the wax melts and the paper cups deform when the temperature exceeds 62 ° C. Melting paraffin wax content is high, in particular, it contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which may be a carcinogenic substances, with the beverage into the body, will endanger the health of the body. The surface of the hot drink cups will paste a layer of special film, not only good heat resistance, but also non-toxic harmless.