目的了解心脑血管疾病的住院医疗费用,探讨影响住院费用的关键因素,为控制医疗费用提供一定的理论参考依据。方法抽取银川市某三级甲等专科医院2011年-2014年出院的13 590例心脑血管疾病病案首页资料进行分析,寻找住院费用的主要影响因素。结果影响住院费用的主要因素为是否行手术治疗、住院天数和入院情况。标准回归系数分别为0.686、0.350和0.157,P值均<0.01,建立的回归方程有统计学差异,F=1681.742,P<0.01,全部纳入方程的变量可解释60.3%的医疗费用。结论降低高值耗材费、缩短平均住院日、规范诊疗行为、优化诊疗流程、完善医疗保障制度等措施有助于合理控制医疗费用。
Objective To understand the cost of hospitalization for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and to explore the key factors that affect the cost of hospitalization and to provide some theoretical reference for controlling medical expenses. Methods The data of 13 590 cases of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases discharged from a tertiary specialized hospital in Yinchuan from 2011 to 2014 were analyzed to find out the main influencing factors of hospitalization expenses. Results The main factors affecting hospitalization costs were whether to undergo surgery, hospitalization days and admission. The standard regression coefficients were 0.686,0.350 and 0.157, respectively. The P values were all <0.01. The established regression equation was statistically significant (F = 1681.742, P <0.01). All the variables included in the equation explained 60.3% of the medical costs. Conclusion The measures such as reducing the cost of consumables, shortening the average length of stay, standardizing the diagnosis and treatment activities, optimizing the diagnosis and treatment process, and improving the medical insurance system can help to control the medical expenses rationally.