“路痴”的故事 1998年10月的东京,周末,良子开着她新买的凌志车去离家很远的街区看好朋友关野的新家。按北京话来说,良子是名副其实的“路痴”。关野说要来接她,吓了关野一跳的是,良子一改常态地婉然谢绝了,只是要了关野的详细地址和门牌号。她要试试在买车的时候,她特意多花了将近相当于9000元人民币的车载导航系统。选定了出发地点和目的地以后,导航系统就自动生成了最合理的路线;如果对线路不熟悉,系统对沿途的建筑都有详细的描述。良子沿着导航系统指示的线路一直往关野家
The Story of Luchi In Tokyo, October 1998, on the weekends, Ryoko drove her newly-purchased Lexus to a close friend’s neighborhood in Shinano. According to Beijing dialect, Ryoko is veritable “crazy”. Kwan Yeh said she was going to pick her up, frightened off Kwan Yeung is a normal change of nature declined, only to the details of the address and house number. She wanted to try when buying a car, she deliberately spent nearly equivalent to 9,000 yuan car navigation system. After selecting the starting point and destination, the navigation system automatically generated the most reasonable route; if not familiar with the line, the system has a detailed description of the construction along the way. Ryoko along the line indicated by the navigation system has been off to the wild home