Patient, male, 29 years old. A hilar nodular shadow was found for 11 months and was admitted on December 19, 1985. When the patient had a barium meal examination, lymph nodes on both sides of the hilum were found to be swollen. He was suspected to have hilar lymph node tuberculosis. A hospital with streptomycin 0.75g / d, isoniazid 400mg / d, while using thiosemicarbazide for a total of 3 months. There was no change in chest X-ray lesions. In addition to occasional chest tightness, the patient had no apparent fever, cough or expectoration. Patients are generally healthy and have no smoking and drinking habits. Physical examination: Body temperature 37.3°C, pulse 80/min, respiration 18/min, blood pressure 13.3/9.3 kPa (100/70 mmHg). Patient one