【摘 要】
Laplace operation, the isotropic second-order differentiation, on spatial functions is an essential mathematical calculation in most physical equations and signal processing. Realizing the Laplace operation in a manner of optical analog computing has rece
【机 构】
【出 处】
Laplace operation, the isotropic second-order differentiation, on spatial functions is an essential mathematical calculation in most physical equations and signal processing. Realizing the Laplace operation in a manner of optical analog computing has recently attracted attention, but a compact device with a high spatial resolution is still elusive. Here, we introduce a Laplace metasurface that can perform the Laplace operation for incident light-field patterns. By exciting the quasi-bound state in the continuum, an optical transfer function for nearly perfect isotropic second-order differentiation has been obtained with a spatial resolution of wavelength scale. Such a Laplace metasurface has been numerically validated with both 1D and 2D spatial functions, and the results agree well with that of the ideal Laplace operation. In addition, the edge detection of a concerned object in an image has been demonstrated with the Laplace metasurface. Our results pave the way to the applications of metasurfaces in optical analog computing and image processing.
Integrated photonics provides a route to both miniaturization of quantum key distribution (QKD) devices and enhancing their performance. A key element for achieving discrete-variable QKD is a single-photon detector. It is highly desirable to integrate det
吸收性气溶胶指数(AAI)可用于表征紫外波段吸收性气溶胶成分占比,是卫星遥感探测的重要数据产品之一。通过SCIATRAN辐射传输模型设置太阳天顶角、观测天顶角、相对方位角、地表高度、云高等参数,创建大气层顶反射率的查找表,结合TROPOMI的数据,反演吸收性气溶胶指数。由于仪器本身的特性,直接反演的AAI不能完全表征吸收性气溶胶的分布特征,需要扣除背景值,本研究通过统计法获取太平洋区域AAI的背景值。采用2020年9月美国加利福尼亚州山火时期数据进行分析, 研究山火烟雾羽流的传输。结果显示了气溶胶的分布特
We identified the amplified spontaneous emission-amplified spontaneous emission (ASE-ASE) beat noise from the semiconductor optical amplifier, which has been overlooked in previous studies, as a cause of severe system penalties when it was used to provide
提出一种将三角法测距与多频光栅相结合的方法,充分利用数字投影的RGB通道,将多频光栅与点阵同时投影在物体表面,综合控制受高度调制的相位信息的提取,最终获取物体的三维形貌。仿真结果显示,在高度跳变使高频光栅位移达102量级个周期时,可以准确还原原始形貌。通过实验验证,本方法能够同时复原169 mm的陡峭高度跳变以及3 mm的微小细节,提高了传统双频光栅的性能,具有处理较大截断面和保证细节部分的测量能力,较好地改善了傅里叶变换轮廓术(FTP)的应用性能。
实验中采用高温熔融法制备了一系列高钆镥硼硅酸盐新型玻璃体系样品,研究了这种新型玻璃体系的玻璃形成区,测量了样品的玻璃稳定性和密度。结果表明,玻璃体系的玻璃形成区较广,玻璃稳定性良好(析晶温度与转变温度的差为262 ℃),且玻璃样品的密度达到5 g/cm3。以此种玻璃体系作为基质掺入Ce3 离子,测量其透过光谱、激发光谱、发射光谱、X射线激发发射光谱以及Gd3 离子的衰减时间。结果表明,玻璃的透过性能适合Ce3 离子的掺杂,并且Gd2O3和Lu2O3对闪烁体发光都具有积极的影响,同时研究了Gd3 离子和Ce
-6;但是在全物理反演方法中同步反演0.755 μm处的荧光时,可把反演误差校正到0.5×10
在常温常压下,采用手持式激光诱导击穿光谱仪(LIBS)对铝合金中的镁、钛元素进行定量分析,以验证其稳定性及可靠性。手持式LIBS内置1064 nm Nd∶YAG 脉冲激光器,光路为反射式同轴结构。实验中采用AvaSpec-Mini 2048光谱仪,测量波长范围为240~420 nm。选取镁元素在285.17、383.83 nm处的特征谱线,钛元素在323.45、334.94 nm处的特征谱线,结合偏最小二乘法建立定标曲线模型。同种元素在不同特征谱线下的定标曲线斜率接近,线性相关系数