Compared with the drama genres scattered in the vast towns and townships, the operetta operas in the big cities are undoubtedly superior to the operetta operas of towns and villages, no matter whether the performers’ artistic accomplishments or performance quality are undoubtedly better. Good performance conditions, rich culture, exquisite, perfect stage creation, often make the township drama troupe envious, fascinated. However, once in a while, while the opera in the big cities continued to still fascinate the opera troupe in the township, the opera troupes in the big cities were increasingly showing some degree of silence by themselves. The urban operas basically come from the townships and towns. Due to the economic and cultural soil moisture of the big cities, they have entered the peak of art and become the model of many opera and theater troupes in towns and villages. When the old hilarity into today’s silence, people feel dazed, or even a little become less confident. Though the drama’s silence is caused by many factors, has the drama itself left some questions worth pondering in the development of big cities?