本文论述、分析了长独头巷道掘进工作面排氡通风的效果。采用混合式通风的方法是较好的降氡手段。其关键是解决风机风源的风质问题。使用大风量的抽风机和大直径的风筒,以增加总抽风量;同时抽风机进行连续运转,能保证送风机的风源浓度达到允许值(C′_(Rn)=0.3爱曼,E′_a=0.3GB)。 天井工作面的排氡通风比平巷困难。采用金属通风帽,能将新鲜风流直接送入工作面,使氡得到充分稀释和排除。
This article discusses and analyzes the effect of radon ventilation on the driving face of long detour tunnel. The method of using mixed ventilation is a better means to reduce radon. The key is to solve the wind source of wind quality problems. The use of high-volume exhaust fan and large-diameter tube to increase the total amount of exhaust; while exhaust fan continuous operation, to ensure that the blower concentration of air reaches the allowable value (C ’_ (Rn) = 0.3 Aiman, E’ _a = 0.3GB). Pavement radon radiant ventilation than difficult. The use of metal ventilation hood, fresh air can be sent directly to the face, radon is fully diluted and excluded.