加强宏观调控 保持经济较长时间的快速增长

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今年以来,各地区、各部门认真贯彻落实邓小平同志南巡重要谈话和中央政治局全体会议精神,抓住有利时机,加快改革开放步伐,力争经济更好更快地上一个新台阶。党中央、国务院采取的一系列加快改革开放和经济发展的重大政策措施,极大地调动和鼓舞了广大干部群众的积极性。经济发展和改革开放形势很好。1—9月国民生产总值完成17000亿元,比去年同期增长10.6%,农村经济稳定发展,农民收入有所增加;工业生产持续高速增长,经济效益有所 Since the beginning of this year, all localities and departments have conscientiously implemented the important speech of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour and the spirit of the plenary meeting of the Central Political Bureau, seized the favorable opportunity, accelerated the pace of reform and opening up, and strive for a better and faster economy to a new level. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council adopted a series of major policies and measures to speed up reform, opening up and economic development, greatly mobilizing and encouraging the enthusiasm of cadres and masses. Economic development and reform and opening up are in good shape. From January to September, the gross national product was 1.7 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.6% over the same period of last year. The rural economy developed steadily and the income of peasants increased. The industrial production continued its rapid growth with economic benefits
本文探讨了未来的制造技术问题,概述了影响未来生产设备形式的因素,节能省料的加工方法,对设备的可变性要求,强制实现自动化等未来的发展趋势。 This article explores futu
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本文肯定了超轻耐火保温材料整体浇灌改造75千瓦烧结炉新工艺的优点,即改造时工艺性好,造价低,改革后收效大,空炉和实炉升温的时间较前大为减少。在任务不足 的情况下每年仍
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