
来源 :江汉考古 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qi_anwei1986
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包山楚简中记载了大量人名,为姓氏研究提供了难得的资料。但除了常见的姓氏外,还有一些姓氏的释读没有得到解决。本文根据新发表的清华大学藏战国楚简对包山楚简中“■”、“邭”、“■”、“■”等姓氏的读法进行了补充说明,此外还对“徐”、“舒”、“余”三个易混的姓氏作了补充论证。 Chuanshan bamboo records a large number of names, provide a rare study for the surname. However, in addition to the common surnames, some interpretations of surnames have not been resolved. Based on the newly published Chu Bamboo Slips of the Warring States Period of Qinghua University, this paper supplements the reading of surnames such as “”, “”, “”, “” In addition, “Xu ”, “Shu ”, “Yu ” three mixed surnames have been added to prove.