The Origins of Yoga The Foundations of Yoga, Building In ancient Indian philosophy, ancient Yoga adherents developed yoga systems because they believed that by exercising their body and regulating their breathing, they could have complete control over their mind and their emotions and maintain their eternal health. Yoga does bring physical and spiritual enjoyment to us. Before we practice yoga, we should popularize some knowledge of yoga. The origin of yoga is ancient and ancient, and it can be said that it existed before the recorded history began. The word Yoga, coming from the Indian Sanskrit yug or yuj, is a pronunciation that means “consistent”, “combined” or “harmonious.” Yoga is a system that helps mankind realize its full potential by raising awareness. Yoga Postures The use of ancient and easy-to-grasp techniques to improve people’s physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual abilities is a way of exercising a harmonious and harmonious body, mind and spirit. Ancient Indians more believe that people can be in harmony with Him