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在有着“中华第一街”美誉的南京路上,每月20日的清晨,总会出现如此一幕:还没有开门营业的商店门前一字排开了不少桌椅,一些市民正秩序井然地排队等侯着,他们在干什么?原来,这是南京路每月20日的青年民兵团员“为民服务日”。这一天,南京路商业街上的青年服务队会利用营业前的两三个小时走上街头摆摊设点,义务为群众提供各类服务,量血压、修钟表、皮带打洞、理发、修伞、磨刀、裁衣、补鞋……各类为民服务项目达到了120多个。一边是鳞次栉比的高楼、琳琅满目的橱窗,一边是一路摆开的服务台、工具箱、在繁花似锦、流光溢彩的南京路上,这样的场景成了一道独特、亮丽的风景线。也许很多人并不知晓、这样的场景已经整整存在了24年,陶依嘉就是这一活动的发起者。 On the Nanjing Road with the reputation of “China’s First Street”, there will always be such an event on the early morning of the 20th of each month: a lot of tables and chairs are lined up in front of the shops that are not open for business. Some citizens are in an orderly manner Waiting in line, what are they doing? It turned out that this is the Nanjing Road on the 20th of each month the young militia members “serving the people day.” On this day, the Youth Service Teams on Nanjing Road Commercial Street will take advantage of the two or three hours before opening a business to set up stalls on the streets. They are obliged to provide the masses with various services such as blood pressure, repair timepieces, belt holes, haircuts, Umbrella, sharpening, tailoring, make up shoes ... ... all kinds of services for the people reached more than 120 items. On one side is row upon row of tall buildings, an array of windows, one side is all the way to the desk, toolbox, in the blossoming, Ambilight Nanjing Road, this scene has become a unique, beautiful landscape. Perhaps many people do not know, this scene has been in existence for 24 years, Tao Yi Jia is the initiator of this event.