什么是经济效益?怎样才算提高了经济效益?在人们的观念上还有种种偏差。如理解错误,会导致不良的经济后果。 一是认为生产总量增长就是效益提高。长期以来,把产值产量的升降作为考核企业经济效益好坏的标志。近几年来,这种观点虽有改变,但还没有真正把“速度型”转向“效益型。”还有人把速度与效益等同起来,把反映经济发展的量和反映经济发展的质等同起来。须知以高投入求高速度,看起来是总量增长,实则是高消耗的代价。只有以低消耗、高
What is economic benefit? What is considered to improve economic efficiency? There are various deviations in people’s ideas. Misunderstandings can lead to adverse economic consequences. The first is that the increase in total production is the increase in efficiency. For a long time, the lifting of the output value of production has been used as a sign of good or bad economic performance of enterprises. In recent years, this view has changed, but it has not really turned “speed-type” to “benefit-type.” There are also people who equate speed and efficiency and equate the amount reflecting economic development with the quality that reflects economic development. It is important to note that with high input and high speeds, it seems that the total volume will increase, but in fact it will be a high cost. Only with low consumption and high