A Study on Organic Inclusions in Clastic Reservoir Rocks and Their Application to the Assessment of

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bilchen18
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Terrigenous clastic reservoir rocks are widespread in China, and nearly all the industrial oil and gas accumulations in eastern China occur in the clastic rocks. The study shows that organic inclusions are mostly distributed in the secondary fissures and pores which were formed in the process of oil-rock interaction, rather than in the cements or secondary enlargements.The organic inclusions are dominantly organic gas-rich or are composed of pure hydrocarbons.Homogenization temperatures range mainly from 120℃ to 130℃, which shows a relatively high maturity of organic matter. Vertical and horizontal temperature changes provide the grounds for the investigation of hasin evolution and thermal fluid-kinetics model. Fluorescence spectral characteristics of the organic inclusions indicate that oils and gases in the area studied probably have experienced two-stage or two-time migration. Micro-fluorescence research is one of the effective approaches to oil/source correlation and oil migration-stage determination. The abundance and occurrence of organic inclusions is one of the indicators of oil and gas abundance and accumulation in rock layers. With the help of other information, organic inclusions can provide the basis for the prospective assessment of oil and gas in clastic reservoir rocks. Terrigenous clastic reservoir rocks are widespread in China, and nearly all the industrial oil and gas accumulations in eastern China occur in the clastic rocks. The study shows that organic inclusions are mostly distributed in the secondary fissures and pores which were formed in the process of oil -rock interaction, rather than in the cements or secondary enlargements. The organic inclusions are dominantly organic gas-rich or are composed of pure hydrocarbons. Homogenization temperatures range mainly from 120 ° C to 130 ° C, which shows a relatively high maturity of organic matter. Vertical and horizontal temperature changes provide the grounds for the investigation of has in evolution and thermal fluid-kinetics model. Fluorescence spectral characteristics of the organic inclusions indicate that oils and gases in the area study have probably experienced two-stage or two-time migration. Micro -fluorescence research is one of the effective approaches to oil / source correlation and oil migrat The abundance and occurrence of organic inclusions is one of the indicators of oil and gas abundance and accumulation in rock layers. With the help of other information, organic inclusions can provide the basis for the prospective assessment of oil and gas in clastic reservoir rocks.
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