
来源 :中国美术馆 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdfghjkh
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从艺术家耻于卖画,到公开以画价高低论定艺术品质优劣,中国艺术家的价值观发生了惊人的变化。将艺术家的追求目标转移到市场需求上来是艺术市场化所带来的弊端之一。艺术家以逐利为目的,以炫富向世人证明其行业地位与艺术成就,这本身就违背了艺术创作的规律。艺术创造是人类的精神活动,其价值的高低应该以作品是否深入揭示或 From the artist’s ashamedness to selling paintings to the openness of his art, the artist’s values ​​have undergone astonishing changes. One of the drawbacks brought by the marketization of art is to transfer the pursuit of the artist’s goals to the needs of the market. In order to profit-seeking for the purpose of artists, to show off their wealth to the world to prove their industry status and artistic achievements, which in itself runs counter to the law of art. Art creation is the spiritual activities of human beings. The value of the art should be revealed in depth by the works or