Spatiotemporal dynamics of high-K~+-induced epileptiform discharges in hippocampal slice and the eff

来源 :Neuroscience Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jjjjedu
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The epileptic seizure is a dynamic process involving a rapid transition from normal activity to a state of hypersynchronous neuronal discharges. Here we investigated the network properties of epileptiform discharges in hippocampal slices in the presence of high K + concentration (8.5 mmol/L) in the bath, and the effects of the anti-epileptic drug valproate (VPA) on epileptiform discharges, using a microelectrode array. We demonstrated that epileptiform discharges were predominantly initiated from the stratum pyramidale layer of CA3a-b and propagated bi-directionally to CA1 and CA3c. Disconnection of CA3 from CA1 abolished the discharges in CA1 without disrupting the initiation of discharges in CA3. Further pharmacological experiments showed that VPA at a clinically relevant concentration (100 μmol/L) suppressed the propagation speed but not the rate or duration of high-K+-induced discharges. Our findings suggest that pacemakers exist in the CA3a-b region for the generation of epileptiform discharges in the hippocampus. VPA reduces the conduction of such discharges in the network by reducing the propagation speed. The epileptic seizure is a dynamic process involving a rapid transition from normal activity to a state of hypersynchronous neuronal discharges. Here we investigate the network properties of epileptiform discharges in hippocampal slices in the presence of high K concentration (8.5 mmol / L) in the bath, and the effects of the anti-epileptic drug valproate (VPA) on epileptiform discharges using a microelectrode array. We demonstrated that epileptiform discharges were predominantly initiated from the stratum pyramidale layer of CA3a-b and propagated bi-directionally to CA1 and CA3c . Disconnection of CA3 from CA1 abolished the discharges in CA1 without disrupting the initiation of discharges in CA3. Further pharmacological experiments showed that VPA at a clinically relevant concentration (100 μmol / L) suppressed the propagation speed but not the rate or duration of high- K + -induced discharges. Our findings suggest that pacemakers exist in the CA3a-b region for the generation of epilepti form discharges in the hippocampus. VPA reduces the conduction of such discharges in the network by reducing the propagation speed.
“你们考北大很容易吧。”  “还好,考到全市前20名,大概690多分就行了。可惜我是个渣渣,哪怕一直是学校前几名,我们学校也算是个区重点,可是到最后还是连630都没蹭上。”  不知道是第多少次这样的对话了。有时候我都后悔,为什么当初选择了把户口落在北京,却要在山东学习这么久?最后高中不得不去北京上,压力不说,还落得两头都被误解。  似乎每个人都有这样的想法——北京考生是全国最幸福的,不用学习,天天
1980年路展《小苹果树请医生》(单行本)荣获全国(1954~1979年度)少儿文艺创作三等奖。1月,肖川《唱在金秋》(诗歌)、《南行草》(诗歌)荣获宁夏第一届(1959~1979 Road show in