
来源 :中学生百科·高中语数外 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaomeitomei
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  I had been swimming competitively for about five years and was ready to quit, not because I had satisfied my desire to swim, but because I felt I was horrible at it. I was often the only African American at a swim competition, and our team could not afford anything close to the great uniforms the other teams were wearing. Worst of all though, and my number-one reason for wanting to quit, was that I kept receiving “Honorable Mentions”at each competition, which simply means,“Thank you for coming. You did not even rank first, second or third, but we don’t want you to go home with nothing, so here is something to hide later.”Any athlete knows that you don’t want to have a bookshelf or a photo album full of“Honorable Mentions.”They call that the“show-up ribbon”; you get one just because you showed up.
  One hot summer day, the very day before a big swim meet, I decided to break the news to my grandma that I was quitting the swim team. On the one hand I thought it was a big deal because I was the only athlete in the family, but on the other hand, because no one ever came to see me compete, I didn’t think it would be a major issue. You have to know my grandma—she stood on tiptoe to five-feet-two-inches and weighed a maximum ninety-five pounds, but could run the entire operation of her house without ever leaving her sofa or raising her voice. As I sat next to my grandma, I assumed my usual position of laying my big head on her tiny little lap so that she could rub it.
  When I told her of my desire to quit swimming, she abruptly pushed my head off her lap, sat me straight up facing her and said,“Baby, remember these words:‘A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.’Your grandmother didn’t raise no losers or quitters. You go to that swim meet tomorrow, and you swim like you are a grandchild of mine, you hear?”
  I was too afraid to say anything but,“Yes, ma’am.”
  The next day we arrived at the swim meet late, missing my group of swimmers in the fifteen/sixteen age group. My coach insisted I be allowed to swim with the next group, the next age older. I could have just as easily crawled out of the gym. I knew she was including me in the race so our long drive would not be wasted, and she had no expectations whatsoever that I would come in anything but eighth—and only that because there were not nine lanes.
  As I mounted the board, I quickly noticed that these girls with their skintight caps, goggles and Speedo suits were here to do one thing—kick my chocolate butt!
  All of a sudden my grandma’s words rang in my head, “Quitters never win and winners never quit. Quitters never win and winners never quit.”
  Quitters never win and winners never quit. Quitters never win and winners never quit.
  I was swimming harder than I’d ever swum before. As I drew my right arm back, I noticed I was tied with one person. I assumed we were battling for eighth place and I refused to finish dead last, so I added more kick on the last two hundred yards.
  Quitters never win and winners never quit. Quitters never win and winners never quit.
  I hit the wall and looked to the left and to the right for the swimmers who had beat me, but no one was there. They must have gotten out of the water already.
  I raised my head to see my coach screaming hysterically. My eyes followed her pointing finger and I couldn’t believe what I saw. The other swimmers had just reached the halfway point of the pool!That day, at age fifteen, I broke the national seventeen/eighteen-year-old 400-freestyle record. I hung up my honorable mentions and replaced them with a huge trophy.
  Back at Grandma’s, I laid my head on her lap and told her about our great race.
关于海明威,我们一直有诸多臆想,文学家,冒险家,直面人生的真汉子,“迷惘的一代”另一员大将菲茨杰拉德对他的评价相当高,说这位作家“具有新的气质”。  他传奇般的人生,一再被后人评说与追寻:1899年,出生于伊利诺伊州的橡树村,母亲遗传给他对文字的热爱,父亲培养了他对充满男子气魄的体育运动的爱好。1918年入伍,一战中在意大利受重伤,他将自己的体验沉淀,写出几部反战的作品,并因《太阳照样升起》成名。
一、小小只  “也太小只了吧……”  “她真的不是初中部的学生吗?”  “真是可可爱爱的。”  “是我们的语文老师耶!”  她穿着毛茸茸的紫色外套,脚踩深筒长靴——那靴子上挂着两颗绒球儿,走起路来一甩一甩的,甚是可爱。上课铃还未响,她脸上露着笑意,歪头看着讲台下的我们,我们亦望着她——这个看起来像妹妹一样的语文老师。  那是二月的一个傍晚,窗外雨夹着雪,扑扑簌簌地落在草尖、树梢,扑眼而来的银白发出
上周末搬家,男友过来帮忙,他不知从哪儿发现了一张照片,问哪个是我。我接过照片,发现是我高中时的毕业照。那时我很胖,简直和现在判若两人,难怪男友认不出我。我故意为难他,说:“你猜猜看。”男友翻来覆去看了好几遍,才小心翼翼地将其中一个指给我:“这个……是你吗?”我笑着点点头。  “真的?”  “真的。”  没错,那个躲在角落、微微弓着腰、脸又大又圆的女生就是18岁的我。如今我早已脱去肥大的运动服,成为
阅读下面材料,写一篇文章。  有人问镜子:“为什么你能以一片而包收一切,以有限而容纳无限?”镜子答道:“朋友,因为我空明,摄进而不拥有,纳入而不私藏。”  请以“镜子”为话题,写一篇文章。  要求:立意自定,标题自拟,文体自选,不少于800字。    像镜子一样活着  王雨卉    有一种东西可以容下世间万物,不是天空,不是时间,而是镜子。因为它可以以有限包容无限,拥有而不占有。  我们是有限的,
十六岁那年的夏天,红枫叶长满山岭的时候,我和醉醉终于做好了蓝色热气球。  我们从十二岁那年就尝试制造热气球,在十五岁的时候做好了第一个。我们本以为能借助第一个热气球飞上天,可是刚充满气,就有一群鹰飞来,用锋利的爪子抓爆了它。醉醉说因为气球是红色的,鹰以为这是一团火,感受到了威胁,所以才发起攻击。  为了避免再次被攻击,我们决定把第二个气球染成天空一样的颜色。  “我们早就应该想到,第一个气球要弄成
When, Oh, When?  Question:Ken promised Ben today to tell him a big secret on the day before five days from the day after tomorrow. Today is Saturday, October 21. On what day and date will Ken tell Ben
1. pull是三者中使用最广的词,指使物体朝着发出力的方向移动,不强调用力的大小和方式。它比“draw”一词所表达的“拉”要费力一些。  The mother pulled the little girl by hand.   She pulled her chair up to the desk.  2. draw表示不论用力大小而作出平稳的动作。指把某物体朝着出力的方向拉。意思与pull相近
由于三角问题公式繁、题型杂、技巧多,学生在做寿 这类题时,往往盲目探索,超时失分现象较为严重。若将各种题型技巧全部强化训练,又会陷入题海。如何解决这一矛盾?笔者认为:高考中的三角题都有比较明确的解题方向,只要从整体上加以把握,掌握其常规的解题途径,就能获得事半功倍的效果。
各种阅读测试中有些是考查考生对作者的主导思想、被描写人物语气、言谈话语中流露的情绪、性格倾向和作者或文中人物态度、观点等方面的理解题。做这一类题时一定要注意:  1)由表及里的准确把握字里行间的意思,切勿用自己的主观想法或观点代替作者的思想观点。  2)特别注意那些描写环境气氛的语言,以及表达感情、态度观点的词语。要特别注意作者在文章中的措词,尤其是表达感情色彩的形容词。  3)能结合自己平时积累