In the meantime, in the battle of February, oil workers in the Purahova valley also fought under the leadership of the party and opposed the re-dismissal of workers and the reduction of wages as directed by the United States and Britain. The Central Action Committee started preparations for strikes in Iasi, Kroc, Galaţ, Baskana and Constanta. The strike movement has the tendency to spread all over the country, and the government is also trying to fight for time to suppress it Workers struggle, forcing the government had to temporarily meet most of the strike workers requirements. However, Western bankers and their minions in the Romanian government decided to suppress the workers’ struggle at any cost. The government, which seizes itself on foreign capitalists, should refrain from fulfilling the workers’ demands for gaining a hand and strengthens its terrorist policies across the country. At a meeting of the Central Action Committee held under the leadership of Comrade Georges Wu-Dezhi, a resolution was passed to organize strikes in the most important railroad center cities. The central slogan was to oppose the state of martial law and the newspaper