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网络安全技术是一门涉及计算机科学、网络技术、通信技术、密码技术、信息安全技术、应用数学、数论、信息论等多学科的综合性学科。随着Internet的迅速发展,网络安全问题日益严重,网络安全技术也被人们重视起来。解决网络安全问题的重要手段就是防火墙技术。本文先论述了网络防火墙,然后论述了网络防火墙的实现技术及以后的发展趋势。 Network security technology is a multidisciplinary comprehensive discipline involving computer science, network technology, communication technology, password technology, information security technology, applied mathematics, number theory and information theory. With the rapid development of the Internet, the problem of network security is becoming more and more serious, and the network security technology has also been taken seriously. An important means to solve the problem of network security is firewall technology. This article first discusses the network firewall, and then discusses the network firewall technology and the future development trend.
大家都知道海马不是马,但是你们知道,它是鱼吗?  没错,这种头像马、尾巴像猴,有着匹诺曹那样的长鼻子,身体僵硬完美,如同精致雕塑一样的海洋动物,确确实实属于鱼纲。这个小小的生物身上,还存在着自然界最少见的一种现象,就是大家所熟知的“海马爸爸生宝宝”。当然,其实真正生出宝宝的肯定是海马妈妈,但与其他动物不同的是,海马妈妈将卵产在海马爸爸腹部的育儿袋里,让海马爸爸进行孵化,等到小海马长大了,成熟了,自