【摘 要】
适应军事斗争准备的要求 ,应把教育的着眼点放在“仗怎么打 ,教育就怎么搞”上 ,把教育的立足点放在适应“真打”、“打赢”上 ,把教育的根本点放在激励官兵随时准备遂行对敌
【机 构】
国防科技大学政治学院 湖南长沙410074
适应军事斗争准备的要求 ,应把教育的着眼点放在“仗怎么打 ,教育就怎么搞”上 ,把教育的立足点放在适应“真打”、“打赢”上 ,把教育的根本点放在激励官兵随时准备遂行对敌作战任务上 ,把教育的契入点放在激发官兵科技练兵的精神动力上 ,把教育的着力点放在适应“跨越式”发展的要求上。
To meet the requirements of preparations for military struggle, the focus of education should be placed on “how to fight battles and how education should be carried out”. The education should be based on adapting to “true fighting” and “winning by winning” the fundamental point of education On the task of motivating officers and soldiers to be ready to carry out their operations against the enemy, the deeds of education should be placed on the spiritual motivation to stimulate the training of officers and men in science and technology and the education should be focused on the requirements of “leapfrogging” development.
以江泽民“七一”讲话和党的十六大报告中关于民主政治建设的论述为指导 ,深入阐述新形势下让士兵“依法管理好自己的事情”的意义 ,分析当前影响和制约士兵“依法管理好自己
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