
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gigitsang
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淮安县今年拿出全部机动财力总额的三分之一兴办教育。县财政上拨款六十万元,是前三年拨款总和的2.3倍,再加上国家拨款、群众投资和文教部门本身学杂费收入及通过勤工俭学自筹的费用,集资总数将超过三百六十万元。县委、县政府根据十二大精神,明确认为,战略重点要摆到战略位置上,决心坚定不移地把教育列为全县工作的首要项目、重点工程。为了在今年内改变办学条件的落后面貎,基本实现“一无两有”,县委在向淮阴市委作了保证之后,立即召开了各公社(乡)和场、镇的分管文教的党委负责人会议,组织他们参观先进单位,听取经验介绍,并要他们代表党委与县文教局签订了合同,不仅落实 Huai’an County took out one-third of the total amount of this year’s mobile finances to start education. The county financially allocates 600,000 yuan, which is 2.3 times the sum of the first three years’ appropriation, plus the national funding, the masses’ investment, and the tuition and miscellaneous income of the cultural and educational departments themselves, as well as the cost of self-financing through work-study programs. The total funding will exceed 360. Ten thousand yuan. According to the spirit of the Twelfth National Party Congress, the county party committee and county government clearly believe that the strategic focus should be placed on a strategic position, and that it is determined to unswervingly include education as the primary project and key project of the county’s work. In order to change the conditions behind the change of schooling this year, the basic realization of “nothing is possible”, after the county party committee made a pledge to the Huaiyin Party Committee, it immediately held the heads of party committees responsible for the culture and education of the communes (townships) and the fields and towns. The meeting organized them to visit advanced units, listened to the introduction of experience, and asked them to sign contracts on behalf of the Party Committee and the County Bureau of Culture and Education, not only
为了一方安宁,他敢于碰硬,令不法歹徒闻风丧胆;他一心扑在侦查破案上,多次昏倒在追捕路上;在“清网行动”中,他更是无畏艰辛,一展老警雄风。 In order to calm one side, he