Hepatitis A virus infection and hepatitis A vaccination in human immunodeficiency virus-positive pat

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MaoZeDongNiMaBi2005
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Hepatitis A virus(HAV)is one of the most common infectious etiologies of acute hepatitis worldwide.The virus is known to be transmitted fecal-orally,resulting in symptoms ranging from asymptomatic infection to fulminant hepatitis.HAV can also be transmitted through oral-anal sex.Residents from regions of low endemicity for HAV infection often remain susceptible in their adulthood.Therefore,clustered HAV infections or outbreaks of acute hepatitis A among men who have sex with men and injecting drug users have been reported in countries of low endemicity for HAV infection.The duration of HAV viremia and stool shedding of HAV may be longer in human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)-positive individuals compared to HIV-negative individuals with acute hepatitis A.Current guidelines recommend HAV vaccination for individuals with increased risks of exposure to HAV(such as from injecting drug use,oral-anal sex,travel to or residence in endemic areas,frequent clotting factor or blood transfusions)or with increased risks of fulminant disease(such as those with chronic hepatitis).The seroconversion rates following the recommended standard adult dosing schedule(2doses of HAVRIX 1440 U or VAQTA 50 U administered6-12 mo apart)are lower among HIV-positive individuals compared to HIV-negative individuals.While the response rates may be augmented by adding a booster dose at week 4 sandwiched between the first dose and the 6-mo dose,the need of booster vaccination remain less clear among HIV-positive individuals who have lost anti-HAV antibodies. Hepatitis A virus (one HAV) is one of the most common infectious etiologies of acute hepatitis virus. The virus is known to be transmitted fecal-orally, resulting in symptoms ranging from asymptomatic infection to fulminant hepatitis. HAV can also be transmitted through oral-anal sex.Residents from regions of low endemicity for HAV infection often remain susceptible in their adulthood.Therefore, clustered HAV infections or outbreaks of acute hepatitis A among men who have sex with men and injecting drug users have been reported in countries of low endemicity for HAV infection. duration of HAV viremia and stool shedding of HAV may be longer in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) -positive individuals compared to HIV-negative individuals with acute hepatitis A. Current guidelines recommend HAV vaccination for individuals with increased risks of exposure to HAV such as from injecting drug use, oral-anal sex, travel to or residence in endemic areas, frequent clotting factor or blood transfusions) or with increased risks of fulminant disease (such as those with chronic hepatitis). The seroconversion rates following the recommended standard adult dosing schedule (2doses of HAVRIX 1440 U or VAQTA 50 U administered 6-12 mo apart) are lower among HIV-positive individuals compared to HIV-negative individuals.While the response rates may be augmented by adding a booster dose at week 4 sandwiched between the first dose and the 6-mo dose, the need of booster vaccination remain less clear among HIV-positive individuals who have lost anti- HAV antibodies.
患者男,76岁.因呕血、黑便7 h于2004年3月8日入院.查体:中度贫血貌,血压103/72 mm Hg,心率104次/min.腹平坦,肝脾肋下未触及,全腹无压痛,叩诊呈鼓音,肠鸣音稍亢进.血常规Hb 89g/L,RBC 2.47×1012/L.胃镜检查示胃体后壁大弯侧多发带蒂肿物,最大者直径超过6 cm,其表面有破溃出血,并有血痂覆盖.遂行剖腹探查术,剖开胃体前壁,见胃体后壁大弯侧有4个带蒂肿