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  摘 要:可燃固体废弃物种类繁多、成分复杂,在处理处置和利用过程中需要尽可能的降低污染。该研究旨在建立适合我国可燃固体废弃物特性的组分热化学表征模型,掌握组分在不同氧化剂调控气氛下的热化学反应模型和不同尺度下的传热、传质机理,研究热化学反应过程中的复杂组分的交互影响规律;探索热化学反应氧化剂调控对二噁英及其前驱物的影响和耦合关联特性,形成低二噁英排放的新一代热化学反应机制。
  关键词:热化学反应 “基元” 可燃固体废弃物
  The Mid-term Tech-report of Investigation on the Thermachemical Treatment Principles and Pseudo-compositions Reaction Model of Combustible Solid Waste
  Zhang Yanguo1 Meng Aihong1 Zhu Jie1 Wu Jinhu2 Wu Jingli2
  (1.Tsinghua University;2.Qingdao Institute of BioEnergy and Bioprocess Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
  Abstract:The combustible solid waste is characterized with various kinds and complex composition, which needs to reduce its pollution in the treatment and utility processes. The aim of this project is to propose the pseudo-compositions reaction model for the thermochemical reaction of the combustible solid waste, to clarify their heat and mass transfer principles and reaction models at different oxidant-concentration atmosphere, to elucidate the inter-impact of complex components, and to study impact of the oxidant on dioxins-related compound to find out a new kind reaction type to lower dioxins emission. The research results in the first two years, the year of 2011 to 2012, are reviewed in this mid-term report. A database of different waste pyrolysis/combustion was established, in which the proximate and ultimate analysis and kinetics parameters were included. The pseudo- compositions system was suggested. Cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, pectin and starch are selected as pseudo-compositions for food residue and wood-like biomass waste; PE, PS and PVC are picked as those for plastic waste; terylene and cellulose are as those for textile waste. The characteristics and kinetics of pyrolysis/combustion of the typical solid waste were investigated at different atmosphere. Based on these, the kinetic models were proposed. In the investigation on chemical looping combustion, different iron-based oxygen- carriers with good reactivity and cycle reaction performance were picked out and studied using thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) and temperature programmed reduction (TPR). The lab-scale and mid-scale oxygen-carriers test system for chemical looping reaction were designed.
  Key Words:Thermochemical reaction characteristics; Pseudo-component; Chemical looping combustion
摘 要:高等职业院校的中层干部既要对书记院长负责,又要主持处、室系部工作,既是执行者,又是领导者,具有双重身份。中层干部的作用在学院中起到中流砥柱的作用,中层干部是领导班子开展工作的桥梁和纽带,是业务工作的行家里手,是学院决策的参谋助手。高职院校中层干部只有切实提高自身能力,才能为促进高职院校各项事业又好又快地发展提供坚强有力的干部队伍。  关键词:高等职业院校 中层干部 素养与能力要求  中图分
摘 要:生物工程专业是生命科学的下游学科,对学生的实验操作能力和创新能力有更高的要求,因此实验训练非常重要。笔者对生物工程专业的实验课程成绩评价体系进行了初步的探索,建立了较为科学合理的评价体系,有效调动了学生全程参与实验课程的积极性,改善了教学效果,提升了教学质量。  关键词:生物工程 实验课程 成绩评价体系  中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2016)07(a
采用亲核取代和消除反应,合成了7个含均三嗪结构的新型甲氧基丙烯酸酯化合物,目标化合物的结构经IR、1 H NMR、HRMS进行表征。对目标化合物进行了真菌抑制活性实验,结果表明
以1-氢-3,5-二(3-吡啶基)-1,2,4-三唑和2,2′-二硫二苯甲酸( H2 L)为混合配体与硝酸镍反应合水热成了一个镍配合物[Ni(L)(3,3′-bpt)2·(H2O)3]·H2O(3,3′-bpt=3,5-二(3-吡啶基)-