嫉妒是社会差异化进程中一定历史时期的产物。心理距离是嫉妒产生的主观心理条件 ,时空距离是嫉妒产生的客观环境条件。嫉妒具有针对性、排他性、破坏性和隐蔽性特征。虽然嫉妒具有破坏性 ,但并非所有的嫉妒都是消极的、病态的。它是公正的监视器 ,它可以激发求胜心。建立公正、合理、可操作的量化管理制度 ,建立多元化的价值体系 ,为个体发展创造机会等措施 ,可疏导、淡化非理性嫉妒。
Jealousy is the product of a certain historical period in the process of social differentiation. Psychological distance is jealous of the subjective psychological conditions, space-time distance is jealous of the objective environmental conditions. Jealousy has the characteristics of pertinence, exclusivity, destructiveness and concealment. Although jealousy is devastating, not all jealousy is negative and pathological. It is a fair monitor, it can inspire win. The establishment of a fair, reasonable and operational quantitative management system, the establishment of a diversified value system, creating opportunities for individual development and other measures to divert and dilute irrational jealousy.