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苏联作家协会第二次全苏作家代表大会亲爱的同志们:中国文艺术界全体工作者热烈地祝贺第二次全苏作家代表大会的召开。从第一次全苏作家代表大会召开二十年以来,亲爱的苏联作家同志们,你们继承着並发展着苏联各民族优秀的文艺传统,在马克思列宁主义的旗织之下,遵循着社会主义现实主义的创作方法,创造出许多光辉灿烂的优良作品,对社会主义和共产主义的伟大建设,对整个人类的和平与进步事业,有着无比重要的贡献。你们的经验和成绩,一直是我们学习的榜样。对于中国人民革命斗争和正在进行的社会主义改造事业,起了难以估价的鼓舞和教育作用。亲爱的朋友们:我们深信:第二次全苏作家代表大会的胜利结果,必将使伟大的苏联文艺在共产主义建设事业中和保卫世界和平事业中发挥更大的作用,对于中国和全世界文学艺术事业的进展,将有更大的帮助。我们谨以兄弟的情谊,祝贺大会的成功! Dear Comrades, Second Soviet Union Writers’ Union of the Soviet Writers’ Association Dear comrades, All the workers in the Chinese arts and literature circles warmly congratulate the convening of the second All-Soviet writers’ congress. Since the First All-Soviet Writers’ Congress was held for two decades, dear Soviet writers and comrades, you have inherited and developed the fine traditions of the arts and crafts of all ethnic groups in the Soviet Union. Under the banner of Marxism-Leninism, we follow the principle of socialism Realistic methods of creation have created many glorious fine works and have made immense contributions to the great cause of socialism and communism and to the cause of peace and progress of mankind as a whole. Your experience and achievements have always been our role model. It has played a valuable and inspiring and educational role for the Chinese people’s revolutionary struggle and the ongoing socialist transformation. Dear friends, We are convinced that the victory of the Second All-Soviet Writers Congress will surely make the great Soviet art and literature play a greater role in the cause of communist construction and in the cause of safeguarding world peace. For China and the rest of the world The progress of literature and art will be even more helpful. We would like to extend our congratulation on the success of the conference by the friendship of brothers.
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据德国VDA(德国汽车工业协会)发布的消息,第66届IAA将于2016年9月22-29日在汉诺威举行。与上届不同的是,IAA 2016的媒体日将改为9月21-22日。这是展会主办方VDA针对媒体和参
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我们的嘴唇第一次拥有  蓝色的水  盛满陶罐  还有十几只南方的星辰  火种  最初由上的别离  岁月呵  你是穿黑色衣服的人  在野地里发现第一枝植物  脚插进土地  再也拔不出  那些寂寞的花朵  是春天遗失的最初  岁月呵岁月  公元前我们太小  公元后我们又太老  没有谁见过  那一次真正美丽的微笑  但我还是举手敲门  带来的象形文字  洒落一地  岁月呵  岁月  到家了  我緩缓摘下
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