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梅原产我国,根据各地的考古发掘显示,多处遗址和墓葬中有出土的梅核,其中以河南新郑裴李岗的年代最久远。裴李岗遗址是新石器时代早期偏晚的文化,推断距今已有7000多年的历史,那时人们已开始利用梅果(野梅),又据古书的记载,在2500年前,已开始种植果梅,经过长期的人工栽培和选择,分化出了几百个果梅品种、果花兼用品种和花梅品种,其演化过程,经历了野梅(直接利用)、果梅(半野生或 Origin of plum China, according to archaeological excavations around show that there are many sites and tombs unearthed in the plum nuclear, of which Henan Xinzheng Pei Li Gang’s oldest. Pei Li Gang site is a late Neolithic culture, infer the dating back more than 7,000 years of history, when people have begun to use plum (wild plum), and according to ancient records, in 2500 years ago, has begun to grow fruit plum After long-term artificial cultivation and selection, hundreds of plum varieties, fruit and flower varieties and plum varieties have been differentiated. Their evolution process has experienced the changes of wild plum (direct utilization), plum (semi-wild or
7月29日,安徽省界首市泉阳镇李小村,一座低矮的新坟前,中年男子杨付魁静静地蹲在旁边。周围半人高的玉米地严严地把风挡住,天气闷热得令人发慌。自从儿子死后,他不知道来过这里多少次。  1个月之前的6月29日,年仅17岁的杨杨,因患尿毒症与肾萎缩,在界首市人民医院经抢救无效死亡。医生说,杨杨如果不出去打工,可能不会患病;如果及时治疗,可能会活下来……    因病致贫:小康家庭遭遇灭顶之灾    杨杨和
目的 了解不同养老模式下老年人个体层面的社会网络和养老模式现况,探索不同养老模式下老年人个体社会网络的差异性.方法 采用分层抽样方法 ,调查了安徽省6个县(区)机构养老