但丁·加卜利尔·罗赛蒂(Dante Gabriel Rossetti,1828年5月12日生于伦敦;1882年4月9日卒于肯特) 生于维多利亚时代英国一个盎格鲁意大利血统的文学家庭。他的父亲是意大利一铁匠之子,曾就学于那不勒斯大学,1807年成为那不勒斯圣卡洛歌剧院编剧,后被任命为那不勒斯国立美术博物馆的雕塑馆馆长。因撰文抨击意大利时政,参加革命社团反对费尔南迪二世,1824年逃亡英国。1831年任伦敦国王学院(Kings College)的意大利语教授,课余潜心研究十四世纪名诗人但丁及其作品,对子女影啊颇深。罗赛蒂是他的长子,幼年在伦敦国王学院附属班接受启蒙教育,可能从学于水彩画家约翰·赛尔·柯特曼(John Sell Cotman)。十四岁入
Dante Gabriel Rossetti (born May 12, 1828 in London and died in Kent on April 9, 1882) was born in a literary family of Anglo-Italian Italians in Victorian England. His father was the son of a Italian blacksmith, studied at the University of Naples, became writer of the San Carlo Opera in Naples in 1807, and later became the curator of the sculpture at the Naples National Museum of Fine Arts. He criticized the Italian government for his articles, joined the revolutionary community against Fernandi II, and escaped to Britain in 1824. In 1831, he was an Italian professor at Kings College in London. After school, he devoted himself to studying Dante and his works, a famous poet of the 14th century. Rosetti, his eldest son, was enrolled in Enlightenment at an early age in King’s College London probably from a study by watercolor artist John Sell Cotman. Fourteen years old