
来源 :山西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baidiantong
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文艺、新闻工作同志们:一年来,山西的文艺工作与新闻工作(在去年文代大会后)有巨大的发展。在宣传共产党与人民政府的政策,宣扬广大劳动人民的英雄事迹,鼓动广大人民的创造性、斗争性,推动全省整个建设事业上,起了巨大的作用。并从各方面创作了许多新的作品,如小说「浸种记」、「春秋图」,戏剧「害人不浅」,绘画「从代表大会归来」、「新事新办」,还有诗歌、快板、相声、幻灯片及许多剧改作品,加上广大工人、农民自己的各种形式的创作,已形成了一个伟大的运动。而这些作品又都是配合着当前的政治斗争任务与经济建设任务等进行的,特别与抗美援朝保家卫国运动,工农业生产运动,新婚姻法,反一贯道等工作,有着最密切的结合。报纸、通讯、广播,对于政治政策思想指导与反映群众活动的篇幅大大增加了,和全省人民已建立了最密切的联系。这确是我省文艺、新闻界跃进的一年。此次给奖大会,应很好地总结一年来的 Literary and Art Work, Journalism Comrades: Over the past year, there has been a tremendous development in Shanxi’s literary and art work and in the field of press work (after last year’s assembly of the Wen dynasty). It has played a huge role in propagating the policies of the Communist Party and the people’s government, in promoting the heroic deeds of the vast working people and in encouraging the creativity and struggle of the broad masses of people and in promoting the entire province’s construction. And created many new works from all aspects, such as the novel Baptist Kee, Spring and Autumn Annals, the drama “Do not Shallow”, the painting “Return from the Congress”, “New Things”, and poetry, Allegro, comic dialogues, slides and many drastic changes, together with the vast numbers of workers and peasants themselves, have formed a great movement. These works are all in line with the current tasks of political struggle and economic construction. They are most closely linked with the work of the Anti-American War and the DPRK’s Patriotic Nationalist Movement, the Industrial and Agricultural Production Movement, the New Marriage Law, and the Anti-Trafficking Road. Newspapers, newsletters and radio stations have greatly increased their guidance and reflection on the activities of the people in the political and ideological fields and have established the closest ties with the people in the province. This is indeed the province’s art, the news jumped into the year. The award ceremony, should be a good summary of the past year