歌声 The Sound of Melodies

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  Last night I watched a Chinese and Western music and dance performance, and was especially impressed by three choruses, which left me intoxicated.
   I felt as though I was wandering about in a garden on a late spring morning amid the drizzle, which moistened my face, and relieved my stress. A bracing breeze came, ruffling my shirt, like my lover breathing gently in my arms. I was strolling along a white stone path, which was coated—as it were—with a milky finish after the drizzle. Stepping on it was pure fun.
   At this early hour, flowers were still in their dreams. A light shower quietly washed away all dust to reveal their true allure. In the absence of a showy fa?ade put in place by sunlight, I was ravished by the quiet beauty of natural colors, such as red, purple, white and green, that were soothing and relaxing, often with a touch of melancholy. Glaring extravagance had given way to hushed coyness. Did it embody worries about the impending disappearance of the spring or drop a hint of boredom at the end of a season?
   The drizzle also seemed to have driven away the rich aroma in the garden. But then a gentle breath of east wind brought scents of flowers together with those of wet grass and soil, strong enough to satisfy the needs of anyone hungry for sensory stimulation. Also drifting from the fields and swamps outside the garden were fresh whiffs of newly planted rice seedlings, growing wheat, and willow trees. Though not sweet, they left me overwhelmed and sent me into a blissful torpor.
   Look, all I felt came from the songs. The sound of melodies not only stimulated all my senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing, but also permeated my mind. I found myself mesmerized, and completely lost in the music, which had taken on a life of its own, and rendering me oblivious of everything else in the world.
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