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细菌杀虫剂生产及应用的若干问题(一)菌株的选育菌株的选育是细菌杀虫剂生产的首要环节,应该针对主要防治对象,选育对害虫毒力强,杀虫谱广,产量高的菌株。Dulmag-e(1970)从感病的棉花红铃虫上分离出了HD-1(Var.KurstaKi),比当时生产上使用的菌株(Var·thuringiensis)的毒力高得多,成为美国苏芸金杆菌商品生产的主要菌株,大大提高了防治菸夜蛾,棉铃虫等害虫的效果。后来又选出 HD—187(血清型 H5a5b)菌株,毒力比 HD—1又提高了一大步。可见苏芸金杆菌制剂的毒力随菌 Several problems of bacterial pesticide production and application (A) strain selection Breeding of bacteria is the primary link in the production of bacterial pesticides, should be targeted against the main object of control, breeding strong virulence for insects, broad spectrum insecticide, High yield strains. Dulmag-e (1970) isolated HD-1 (Var. Kurstaki) from the susceptible cotton bollworm, which is much more virulent than the strain Var. Thuringiensis that was used at the time of production, The main strain produced by Bacillus coli has greatly improved the efficacy against pests such as tobacco budworm and cotton bollworm. Later, the strain HD-187 (serotype H5a5b) was selected and the virulence increased by a further step compared to HD-1. Visible strains of Bacillus thuringiensis toxicity with bacteria
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芳香木蠹蛾Cossus cossus L,属鱗翅目木蠹蛾科昆虫,群众叫树红虫,在伊克昭盟毛乌素沙区普遍分布。乌、巴盟,呼、包二市亦造成危害。国内分布于东北、华北、西北、华东等地区