
来源 :少年文艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:borchifish
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3月2日阴今天是喜欢上程凯整整十五个月的日子,天没道理地阴。昨晚,做了一个梦,梦见一个好大好大的操场,看台上坐满了表情呆滞冷漠的观众。而运动员却只有一个——不停地跑,不停地跑,跑在似乎永远看不到尽头的跑道上的我。没有人为我喝彩,只有人在那里低语:“她快不行了,她要不行了。”我跑啊跑,脸上湿湿的,嘴角咸咸的。我的腿,此时好像也要背叛我,要脱离大脑的控制了。但心里却有那么一个响亮的声音在反复盘旋着:“上官云,你不能输,你不可以输的。” March 2 yin Today is the day when I like Cheng Kai for a full fifteen months. Last night, I had a dream and dreamed about a big playground. The stands were full of stagnant and indifferent audiences. But there is only one athlete - who keeps running, keeps running, and runs on the runway that seems never to see the end. No one applauded me. Only the people whispered: “She is not going to work. She will not work.” I ran and ran, his face wet and his mouth salty. My leg seems to be betraying me at this time. But there was a loud voice in his heart that was repeatedly hovering: “Shangguanyun, you can’t lose. You can’t lose.”