如果用户使用Android设备(如手机和平板电脑)通过特定的Wi-Fi网络来登录,那么Google(谷歌)则可能知道用户Android设备的Wi-Fi密码。全球的Android设备数量众多,这意味着Google可能已经获取了世界各地大多数的Android设备的Wi-Fi密码。自Android 2.2版本开始,Android设备的默认设置便可以导致用户Wi-Fi密码泄露。对于大多数用户来说一般都不会更改这一初始设置。有美国安全专家表示,他怀疑许多Android用户甚至从未见过更改这项功能的
If a user logs in via a specific Wi-Fi network using Android devices such as cell phones and tablets, Google may know the Wi-Fi password for the user’s Android device. The sheer volume of Android devices around the world means that Google may already have Wi-Fi passwords for most Android devices around the world. Starting with Android 2.2, default settings for Android devices can cause user Wi-Fi passwords to be compromised. For most users, this initial setup will not be changed. Some U.S. security experts said he suspects many Android users have not even seen any changes to this feature