线茸毒蛾(Dasychira grotei Moore),鳞翅目毒蛾科,主要危害泡桐叶片。据在河南省临汝县的观察,近两年来,农桐间作林内的泡桐被害株率为20—80%,轻者树叶被害残缺不全,重者仅留叶柄、叶脉,对树木生长和防护效能影响很大。为了摸清线茸毒蛾的生活习性和探索行之有效的防治方法,我们于1983—1984年,进行了系统观察和防治方法的研究,现将结果报导如下,供参考。一、形态特征 1、成虫:雌虫体长15—21毫米,翅展70—71毫米;触角丝状;无单眼;体多毛;
Dasychira grotei Moore, Lepidoptera moth, the main harm paulownia leaves. According to the observation of Linru County in Henan Province, in the past two years, the mortality of Paulownia trees in the intercropping of Agrotis fortunei is 20-80%, the leaves of the lesser ones are incompletely damaged, leaving the petioles and veins only in severe cases and the growth and protective efficacy of the trees great influence. In order to find out the living habits of T. gondii and to explore effective methods of prevention and treatment, we conducted systematic observation and prevention methods in 1983-1984. The results are reported as follows. First, the morphological characteristics 1, adults: female body length 15-21 mm, wingspan 70-71 mm; antennae filiform; no monocular; body hairy;