A Goal Principle Approach to the Analysis of Tom Sawyer's Verbal Strategies

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This paper attempts to use a goal principle approach to analyze little Tom Sawyer’s speech act in the Adventures of Tom Sawyer so as to explain linguistic phenomenon by using literary works to broaden the significance of this linguistic principle as well.Tom Sawyer can always take proper strategies to realize his goals in different situations for his full understanding of this principle.The artistry of language reflected in his conversation is the very illustration of this principle. This paper attempts to use a goal principle approach to analyze little Tom Sawyer’s speech act in the Adventures of Tom Sawyer so as to explain linguistic phenomena by using literary works to broaden the significance of this linguistic principle as well.Tom Sawyer can always take full strategies to realize his goals in different situations for his full understanding of this principle. The artistry of language reflected in his conversation is the very illustration of this principle.
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