1.概说晚香玉又叫月下香、夜来香等,花不仅可观赏,而且可提取晚香玉油,作香料。中国人自古以来喜爱此花。 2.沿革及近况本种原产墨西哥,据称在当地本属植物有12种,仅有晚香玉是栽培种,没有发现野生株。1629年引入欧洲。现在世界各地都作为观赏植物栽培。但法国南部多数作为香水原料栽培。其他产地有中美、印度、斯里兰卡、爪哇等地。在印度,南部的班加罗尔地区产的花最好。
1. Outline Tuberose is also called moon incense, incense night, flowers can not only watch, but also extract tuberose oil for spices. Chinese people love this flower since ancient times. 2. History and current situation The native Mexico, allegedly native to the plant has 12 species, only Tuberose is a cultivated species, no wild strains were found. Introduced to Europe in 1629. Now it is cultivated as ornamentals all over the world. However, the majority of southern France is cultivated as a raw material for perfumery. Other origin areas are China and the United States, India, Sri Lanka, Java and other places. In India, flowers are best produced in the southern Bangalore region.