Comparison of Chinese and American family culture

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  Any cultural phenomenon is historical, specific, and may contain both positive and negative aspects. It is positive and useful for a certain social, but useless or even negative for another social need. The modernization of Chinese family culture must depend on the inheritance of tradition and the rational use of foreign culture. The new Chinese family culture should contain the essence of Chinese and American family culture and avoid the decadent and backward factors in Chinese and American family culture to the greatest extent.
  1. Comparison between Chinese and American family cultures
  The family is the processing plant of human beings, which creates the necessary psychological developmental factors in each individual and cultivates.However, Chinese and American family culture contains different values and pursues and have different behavior patterns, with distinct characteristics. Chinese family culture focuses on the order, mutual dependence and duty center. American family culture highlights the concept of equality, independent development, rights awareness.
  1.1 The father-son focus of Chinese family culture and the husband-wife focus of American family culture
  Traditional culture has endowed marriage with a serious historical mission and a solemn responsibility to carry on the family line. To marry and start a family is not for the sake of  dynasty love, but the basic link of clan reproduction. Therefore, couples often depend on the parent-child relationship. The most admired father-son relationship in China is fatherhood. Parents endure hardship for their children and give them unlimited care. Children should be "good" and "obedient", and should be grateful to their parents for their upbringing; Be filial to your parents, including financial AIDS and spiritual consolation. Chinese marriage and family are based on the continuation of the "incense fire", and the relationship between father and son dominates the family changes.
  American parents, on the other hand, believe that the infant in the mother's womb is the life sent by god, and the parents are only the media accepting god's will. Parents and children are equal friends, parents should fully respect their children's opinions. Children respect their parents not for their status, but for their ability and wisdom. The parents pay is the legal duty, the child does not need to be grateful to the parents.American individualism emphasizes individual independence, individual rights and individual ownership. It believes that everyone has value and attaches great importance to individual freedom. Parents encourage their children to succeed, and the criterion of success is money. Parents pay attention to the cultivation of children's living ability, financial ability and competitiveness in family education, and encourage children's independence spirit.The establishment of American marriage and family is based on love and focuses on marriage freedom and equality between men and women.   1.2 Group identity of Chinese family culture and personal standard of American family culture
  Chinese family culture regards human as a kind of existence, only regards human as a member of the family, and is the derivative of the family relation to which belongs. His value exists because of the family and is embodied thereby, and thus only his destiny and interests are unconditionally entrusted to the family to which belongs. The form of social structure based on family determines that Chinese social existence is dependent first on the family tied by blood relationship.A person enjoys a secure, continuous, and permanent place in the family, which he or she could not obtain outside the home, and was thus fixed in the network, where he or she met all his or her social needs, performed all the necessary duties, and understood and dealt with the different things within and outside the home by a standard of distinction. American family culture emphasizes man's status as an independent individual with reason, dignity and free will, and demands man to be responsible for his own fate. A person does not depend on his family, nor on others, but tends to be self-dependent. American parents believe that true happiness comes from their own efforts.
  2. Summary
  The difference between Chinese and American family culture is the difference between eastern and western culture. Each culture has its own strengths, and China's Confucian culture makes people more charitable, more family and collective. American realism is more beneficial to be based on the society, can adapt to the society's rhythm more quickly, has stronger practical value. We sincerely hope that Chinese parents can learn more from the education method of American parents to develop family education system suitable for China's national conditions.
  [1] Helen Keller. Three days to see. Harbin: Harbin press, 2009
  [2][Britain] Adam Smith. Theory of moral sentiments. Beijing: central compilation press, 2008
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摘 要:师生情重在一个“情”以小见大从《梨园情》中展现了梨园戏曲中“口传身授”的教学方式,青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝;冰,水为之,而寒于水。女主人投身于戏曲艺术传承,培养出一批又一批的艺术人才。在舞蹈动作中动作贴近于生活也源于生活,演绎女主人公传承马鞭从青年到老年的过程跳出生活与感动。  关键字:情;口传身授;马鞭;传承  青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝;冰,水为之,而寒于水。是故“青”“冰”更胜其母体,究其
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摘 要:在二十世纪六十年代,在中国共产党以及人民政府的指导下,我国内蒙古自治区第一支乌兰牧骑诞生了,这支最初的乌兰牧骑主要工作在苏尼特大草原的农牧区上。随着乌兰牧骑的快速发展,它通过宣传、文艺辅导、生活服务等方式为蒙古族的牧民提供了丰富多彩的精神食粮,并且逐渐影响和传承了蒙古族的传统文化。本文主要从乌兰牧骑的现状以及对民族文化的宣扬和传承进行阐述,并对当前现代社会发展状况下如何建设和改革乌兰牧骑进
摘 要:文化是一个国家和民族的重要标志,是长久历史积淀形成的,我们国家有上下五千年的悠久文明历史,中华民族的传统文化享誉世界。陕北民间歌舞是我国民间文化中的重要一支,其独特的精神内涵与精神品质决定了她独特的艺术价值。文章以探讨陕北民间歌舞文化精神为主题进行了论述,希望对促进地方文化继承与发扬做出贡献。  关键词:陕北民歌;陕北歌舞;文化精神  1引言  陕北地区是我国的一个重要地区,从历史发展的角
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摘 要:即兴口语表达是广播电视节目播音员主持人的重要能力,播音员主持人在话筒前和镜头前的即兴口语表达,只有“胸有成竹”于前,才能“出口成章”于后。  关键词:即兴口语;策略;技能  即兴口语表达是广播电视节目播音员主持人的一项基本能力,也是检验主持人对节目走向和新闻事件现场反应能力的最好方法,更是播音员主持人文化能力沉淀的折射。著名播音学教授张颂先生曾经指出:“有稿播音,锦上添花,无稿播音,出口成
摘 要:二十世纪初,清政府为应对内忧外患的局面以继续维护其统治,开展了一场以礼教派和法理派之间的争论为主的修律运动,这场思想的大争论被称为“礼法之争”。本文将对清末修律的历史背景和指导思想进行阐述,通过对两派代表人物的主要观点进行分析,进而总结出这场争论的现实影响以及对当代的启示作用。  关键词:清末修律;礼法之爭;启示  关于“礼”的记载最早可以追溯到商代,早在西周时期就认为礼与刑都属于法的一部
摘 要:作为少年整个人生当中教育过程的开端,小学教育是规模非常宏达的教育工程,为以后的人生提供了坚实的基础。其中,小学油画教学是培养学生审美意识的重要课程,通过对油画基础理论的学习以及技能的掌握,能够促进学生综合素质的全面发展。  关键词:小学;油画教学;研究  《美术课程标准》明确指出:“兴趣是学习美术的基本动力之一”,小学生只有形成对美术学习的持久兴趣,才能激发创造精神,陶冶情操,完善人格。作
摘 要:中外先哲都认为“善和智”是人之德性本质,是人之为人的根本。儒家思想以人文精神为核心,讲修身养性,论人生哲理,教做人做事。  关键词:人文修养;教育  一、人之为人重在后天教化  儒家思想也称儒教或儒学,由孔子创立,以仁义为核心,以教化民众具有德性为任务。儒学的本质是“人本位”,即直接从现实的人性来挖掘及塑造人性,其现实意义在于:建构人民精神生活水平与物质生活水平相互和谐之社会。中外先哲都认