【摘 要】
当今世界是五彩缤纷的世界,人们的生活需要用色彩来装点,如何准确地选择和运用色彩,已成为人们探求的热点。 色彩本身并不存在美与丑。但由于时代、地区、民族的不同,文化习
当今世界是五彩缤纷的世界,人们的生活需要用色彩来装点,如何准确地选择和运用色彩,已成为人们探求的热点。 色彩本身并不存在美与丑。但由于时代、地区、民族的不同,文化习俗、生活习惯差异,人们的审美观也不同,对各种色彩亦有不同的喜忌,因而有色彩的时兴。珠宝也是这样,不同国家有不同的国石和诞生石,不同的人
Today’s world is a colorful world, people’s lives need to decorate with color, how to accurately select and use color, has become a hot spot for people to explore. Color itself does not exist beauty and ugliness. However, due to the differences of the times, regions and nationalities, cultural customs and living habits, people’s aesthetic values are also different. They also have different likes and dislikes over all kinds of colors and thus have fashionable colors. Jewelry is also the case, different countries have different stone and birthstone, different people
7、混合信号放大电路当光还音信号、线路输入信号、话筒信号分别经电阻混合后受到了一定的衰减 ,所以混合信号放大器的作用就是将衰减的信号电平再次进行放大 ,以满足下一级
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