2016年3月22日在上海余德耀美术馆开幕的贾科梅蒂展是最近备受关注的展览之一,全国各地的艺术工作者慕名前往,许多人细看几个小时仍意犹未尽。这既是阿尔贝托·贾科梅蒂(Alberto Giacometti,1901-1966年)在中国的首次展览,也是迄今为止最为全面的贾科梅蒂回顾展。从经典学院教育到超现实主义,再到具象表现主义,这次展览呈现出了贾科梅蒂完整的艺术史创作脉络,策展人希望观众能够跳出存在主义的传统解读,从贾科梅蒂与戏剧家、摄影师好友的交往,以及他上世纪60年代的作品中找到新的观察视角。
The Giacometti exhibition, opened on March 22, 2016 at Shanghai’s Yu Deyao Art Museum, is one of the most recent exhibitions of great interest. Artists from all over the country are attracted to the exhibition and many are still waiting to see for hours. This is the first exhibition in China by Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966) and the most comprehensive Giacometti retrospective to date. From classical college education to surrealism to figurative expressionism, this exhibition presents the complete art history of Giacometti. The curators hope that the audience can jump out of the traditional interpretation of existentialism. From Giacometti Contacts with dramatists, photographer friends, and his 60s of last century to find a new perspective of observation.