“科学的春天”是诗意的,“科学技术是生产力”“科教兴国”是哲学的,而“科技创新”则是一种行动计划新年的第一周刚过,“创新”就一跃成为2006年开宗明义的一个热词。1月9日, 全国科学技术大会在北京召开。胡锦涛在大会开幕式上发表题为《坚持走中国特色自主创新道路,为建设创新型国家而努力奋斗》的讲话,讲话标题中就连用了两次“创新”。作为新中国成立56年来召开的第四次与科技发展相关的大会、进入新世纪以来的第一次全国科学技术大会,这次大会被寄望能像前几次一样,对中国社会的总体发展产生全面和深远的影响,其重要意义并不仅仅局限在科学技术领域本身。
“Science in Spring” is poetic, “Science and Technology are Productivity”, “Science and Education to Rejuvenate the Nation” are philosophical, and “Science and Technology” is an action plan Just after the first week of the New Year, “Innovation” has suddenly become 2006 A hot word of the year. January 9, the National Science and Technology Conference held in Beijing. In his speech at the opening ceremony of the conference, Hu Jintao delivered a speech titled “Insisting on Taking the Road of Independent Innovation with Chinese Characteristics and Building a Creative Country,” and twice used “innovation” in the title of the speech. As the Fourth General Conference on Science and Technology Development held in the past 56 years since the founding of New China, the first National Science and Technology Conference since the beginning of the new century, the conference is expected to give an overall picture of the overall development of Chinese society Have a comprehensive and far-reaching impact, its significance is not limited to the field of science and technology itself.