提起新疆吐鲁番,人们立即就会想到那让人馋涎欲滴的鲜活葡萄;更让人想起《西游记》中被描写得神秘莫测、活龙活现的那座火焰山: 唐僧:“敢问公公,贵处遇秋,何返炎热?” 老者:“敝地唤做火焰山,无春无秋,四季皆热。”“那山却有八百里火焰,四围寸草不生。若过得山,就是铜脑盖,铁身躯,也要化成汁哩!”……新疆吐鲁番自古有名,它那火焰山
Turpan, Xinjiang Turpan, people immediately think of that drenched fresh grape; more reminiscent of “Journey to the West” was described in the mysterious, vividly Huoyanshan: Tang Seng: “dare to ask the father, Your place of autumn, how hot? ”The old man:“ I called the Great Flaming Mountain, no spring no autumn, all seasons are hot. ”“ That hill there are 800 flame, surrounded by harshness .If the mountains, is copper Brains, iron body, but also into juice miles! ”... Xinjiang Turpan ancient famous, it is Flaming Mountain