1999年 12月 17日至 19日 ,《法商研究》编辑部与《法学研究》编辑部在中南政法学院共同举办了“法理学向何处去”专题研讨会。这次会议先后讨论了四个主题 ,前两个主题的讨论纪要已发表在《法学研究》2 0 0 0年第 1期 (总第 12 6期 )上 ,本刊这一期将后两个主题的讨论情况摘要
From December 17 to December 1999, the editorial department of “Legal Research” and the editorial department of “Law Research” co-hosted a symposium on “Where should Jurisprudence go” at the Central South University of Politics and Law. The conference discussed four topics in succession. The minutes of the discussions on the first two topics were published in the first issue of Law Research in 2000 (the total is No.126) Summary of topics discussed