这两封信是我在伦敦搜集到的。原信为英文,由本人译出。两封信皆用燕京大学的信笺。写信人吉·莱顿·斯图尔特(J. Leighton Stuart)即司徒雷登,他当时是燕京大学的校长;收信人霍金斯(F. H. Hawkins)为伦敦传教公会的牧师。第一封信中提到的埃文斯即Robert Kenneth Evans,他于1920—1923年在燕京大学任教和服务,是伦敦会派到燕京大学的两个代表之一,1924年因病辞去教会公职,不久病逝;埃文斯夫人也在北京的伦敦会服务多年。1924年9月许地山从美国转到英国,经由埃文斯的介绍临时住在伦敦巴尼特区卡那封路18号。第二封信中提到的刘院长即刘廷芳教授,他当时任燕京大学宗教学院的院长。
These two letters were collected by me in London. The original letter is in English, translated by myself. Both letters are from Yenching University’s letterhead. Write to J. Leighton Stuart, a student at The Yenching University; and F. H. Hawkins, a pastor of the London Mission Society. Evans, referred to in the first letter, namely Robert Kenneth Evans, who taught and served at Yenching University from 1920 to 1923, was one of two delegates from London to Yanjing University. He went to church in 1924 Public office, soon died; Mrs. Evans also served in London for many years in Beijing. In September 1924 Hsu Tien-Shan moved from the United States to Britain, temporarily living at 18 Cañafal Road in the Barnett area via introduction of Evans. Professor Liu Tingfang mentioned in the second letter was Professor Liu Tingfang, who was then Dean of the Religious Institute at Yenching University.