与太古代绿岩带中条带状含铁建造伴生的金矿床业已在世界许多地区,如澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、印度和非洲的中部及南部发现。这些矿床一般来说很少引起地质工作者的仔细注意。 在津巴布韦,有很多矿山,它们的矿体与太古代含铁建造紧密伴生。这些矿床对金的总产量贡献很大。Vubachikwe矿山,就是描述得比较详细的一个。
Gold deposits associated with banded iron-bearing structures in the Archean greenstone belt have been found in many parts of the world, such as Australia, Brazil, Canada, India and central and southern parts of Africa. These deposits generally seldom cause careful attention by geologists. In Zimbabwe, there are many mines whose ore bodies are closely associated with the Archean iron-bearing construction. These deposits contribute a great deal to the total gold output. Vubachikwe mine is described in more detail.