著名茶学家、茶学教学家、社会活动家、茶学学科主要奠基人、中华全国供销合作总社杭州茶叶加工研究所名誉所长、浙江农业大学茶学系教授庄晚芳先生,因病医治无效,于1996年5月2日中午在杭州逝世,终年89岁。 我们怀着极其沉痛的心情,深切悼念这位为中国茶叶教育、科技事业奋斗了一生的茶学专家。 庄晚芳先生1908年农历8月20日生于福建省惠安县山腰村,1934年毕业于南京中央大学农学院,解放前先后担任安徽祁门茶叶改良场技术员,南京中央大学农学院助教,福建省贸易公司泉州办事处主任,福
Famous tea scientist, tea academics, social activists, the main founder of the tea science disciplines, China National Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives Hangzhou Tea Processing Institute Honorary Director, Professor of Zhejiang Agricultural University, Professor Zhuang Shunfang, invalid due to medical treatment , Died in Hangzhou on May 2, 1996 at noon, and was 89 years old at the end of the year. With deep feelings of deep sorrow, we deeply mourn the tea expert who spent his whole life struggling with education and science and technology in China’s tea industry. Mr. Zhuang Shunfang was born in the mountain village of Huian in Fujian Province on August 20, 1908. He graduated from Nanjing Central University Agricultural College in 1934 and served as a technician in the field of Tea Improvement in Anhui Qimen before liberation. He was an assistant of Agricultural College of Nanjing Central University, a trading company of Fujian Province Quanzhou Office Director, Fu