Proof Reading即短文改错是全国卷高考英语试卷中一种综合性语言测试题型,能客观地反映学生的语言综合能力。短文改错也是对学生写作能力的一种测试。考查形式是给出一篇约100个单词的短文,文中有10处错误,错误类型包括词法、句法、行文逻辑等。要求学生对每个句子进行判断,如有错即将其改正。
1. 依托主题,组建词块
词块,即词汇组块(lexical chunk),是语言使用者在语言输入和输出过程中频繁使用的,集语法、词汇和功能于一体,具有特定语义和结构并以固定或半固定形式存在,有利于提高语言生成能力的短语、固定搭配、习惯用语和句式。为了有效记忆词汇,依托话题,组建词块,讲究方法,设计形式丰富的“Proof Reading”的教学导入。以情境式教学,高效唤醒学生的学科情绪,吸引学生积极主动参与课堂活动,提升课堂效率。以健康为主题的短文改错教学模式探究如下:
1.1 巧设谜语,猜测词汇
例如,结合人教版必修三Unit 2 Healthy eating设计健康饮食主题的Proof Reading,以猜谜测词形式导入:(1) What vegetable is like a chicken farm? (Key: An eggplant. Note: egg (鸡蛋)和plant (工厂)组成了eggplant (茄子));(2) Which is the smallest room in the world? (Key: Mushroom.)
1.2 看图说词,识记词汇
例如,看图说词Roast Pork/Cheese/Spaghetti/Bread,再由bread引出Bread is the staff of life. (民以食为天。)
1.3 设置改错,考查词汇
例如,归纳三大类食物:(1) Protect food that helps the body fight diseases. (Key: Protective) (2) Body-build food that helps grow bones and muscles. (Key: Body-building) (3) Energy-gave food that provides energy. (Key: Energy-giving)
1.4 連词成句,运用词汇
例如,(1) Protective food that helps the body fight diseases, including ____. (Key: eggplants and mushrooms) (2) Body-building food that helps grow bones and muscles, including ____. (Key: roast pork and cheese) 3. Energy-giving food that provides energy, including ____. (Key: spaghetti and bread)
1.5 欣赏视频,拓展词汇
通过观看健康主题真人秀“The Biggest Loser《超级减肥王》”等深刻理解健康与饮食、作息习惯的关系,树立正确的饮食观念,养成健康饮食与科学作息的好习惯。
2. 开发教材,创新真题
董妍、俞国良发现情绪最好是按照两个纬度进行分类,一个是唤醒度水平(arousal),可分为高、低两个水平;一个是愉悦度(value),可分为积极效价和消极效价。依托话题,将教材内容与高考真题二者巧妙结合在情境中,辅以丰富直观的图片高度唤醒学生愉悦的学业情绪,积极参与课堂活动。在“Proof Reading”教学中,再现高考真题,考查学生在阅读理解的基础上发现并纠正包括词法、句法、行文逻辑等类型语言错误的能力。
例如选择饮食健康(Diet and health)为话题的Proof Reading,紧密联系人教版教材B3-2 Healthy eating设置生日情境,结合精心选择的六幅图,师生谈论选择餐馆就餐,水到渠成地引出相关主题的2016全国卷I英语短文改错。教学设计如下:
2.1 创设语境,奇思妙想
Talk: Today is Li Hua’s birthday, so he is going to invite some friends for dinner. There are three restaurants, my uncle’s restaurant, Yong Hui’s restaurant and Wang Peng’s restaurant. However, he doesn’t know which restaurant is the best one. Could you make a suggestion?(设计意图:情境式培养学生的发散思维、逻辑思维能力及应试技能,突出语用价值,实现语篇价值。)(1)改一改:餐馆招牌的语法错误Sign①: Honest is the best policy. Make sure that fresh vegetables and high quality oil is used for cooking. (Key: Honest→Honesty, is→are) Sign②: Tired from all that fat? Want to lose weigh? Only slimming foods serving here. (Key: from→of, weigh→weight, serving→served) Sign③: Want to feel fit and energy? Come and eating here! Discounts today!(Key: energy→energetic, eating→eat) (2)选一选:根据招牌找店主Sign①: My Uncle’ s Sign; Sign②: Yong Hui’s Sign; Sign③: Wang Peng’s sign (3)填一填:发散思维食物名词①A happy couple are having ____. ②A slim girl is drinking ____. ③A fat man is eating ____. (4)猜一猜:来自哪家餐馆的食客?(5)演一演:你选择哪家餐馆就餐?(6)想一想:You are ____ you eat. (Key: what) 2.2 考查真题,查缺补漏
2.3 创设新题,学以致用
2.3.1 改编教材原句为单句改错,夯实基础
引导学生合作探究,合理开发教材,重温语篇,精选佳句,设计成不同考点的单句改错:(1) I’ll help you lose weight and be fit in two week if you eat here every day. (2) He thought of his mutton, beef and bacon cooked in hottest, finest oil. (3) By now his restaurant ought to be full with people. (4) Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could won his customers back. (Key: week→weeks; 在in hottest之间加the考查冠词; with→of; won→win)
2.3.2 改编教材文本为短文改错,巩固提升
从语篇入手,挖掘文本内容。概括提炼语篇,变文本为考题,学生借助教材进行“创材”大练兵:(1)改编B3-2 Healthy eating为短文改错:Wang Peng’s restaurant was empty because some strange reasons. All of suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by. He greeted to Li Chang warmly, so he seemed not to hear. What was the matter? Something terribly must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in her restaurant as he always did. He followed Li Chang and discovered the new small restaurant. Wang Peng saw Yong Hui’ menu and thinking he’d better do some research. He did some research and decided to win his customer back. The competition between the restaurants were on. (2)學生竞赛设置考点:①because of+名词;②suddenly→sudden; ③删除to; ④so→but; ⑤terribly→terrible; ⑥her→his; ⑦the→a; ⑧thinking→thought; ⑨customer→customers; ⑩were→was。
2.3.3 改编高考真题,探究考点
研磨真题,全面探究考点,另辟蹊径,多方考查,改造真题:⑴学生改编2016全国卷短文改错的代表作:My uncle is an owner of a restaurant close to which I live. Though very big, the restaurant is popular in our area. It is always crowding with customers at meal times. Some people even have to wait for outside. My uncle tells me that the key to her success is honesty. Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables and high quality oil is used for cooking. My uncle says that he never dreams of become rich in a short period of times. Instead, he hopes that his business would grow steadily. ⑵ 学生评析探究考点:①an→the 考查定冠词;②which→where 考查宾语从句;③在Though后加not 考查副词;④crowding→crowded 考查形容词;⑤删除for 考查介词;⑥her→his 考查代词;⑦is→are 考查be动词主谓一致;⑧become→becoming 考查动词现在分词;⑨times→time 考查名词单复数;⑩would→will 考查情态动词。
3. 延伸情境,拓展写作
健康主题“Proof Reading”教学的最后环节,结合情境,引出主题写作,与全国卷英语写作相吻合,旨在培养学生的语言综合运用技能。设计写作环节如下:假如你是李华。最近,你收到笔友Wang Peng发来的邮件,在邮件中,他提到他忙于与Yong Hui的餐馆生意竞争,作息、饮食无规律,导致体重超重,而且体质较弱。请给他回一封100个词左右的邮件。内容包括:(1)避免不健康的生活方式(如花太多时间上网、经常吃快餐食品、缺少运动);(2)养成良好的生活习惯(如注意饮食均衡;坚持体育锻炼);(3)建议他与Yong Hui联合,推出营养均衡的菜谱。
4. 结语
话题式“Proof Reading”教学模式,变枯燥的短文改错为一个个鲜活生动的画面;通过体验层层递进的故事情境,唤醒学生主动去参与感知、分析归纳、探究创新、提升能力,变苦学为乐学。
该教学模式,对教师提出更高的要求:(1)教师必须熟悉教材和高考真题,找准结合点,才能重点突出,产生共鸣;(2)教师要具备开发创作能力,使主题内容故事化、情境化,激发兴趣;(3)教师应有导演的能力:以“物”唤情,物尽其用,重视“物”(多媒体设备、主题实物、主题图片、主题音乐等);生生平等,人才济济,人尽其才,关注“人”(每位学生既是不同英语能力但各有天赋的人才,又是每个团队合作学习的代表成员)。总之,坚持探究话题式“Proof Reading”教学模式,不断深入完善,定能达到教学相长的目的。
[1] 教育部考试中心.普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语科考试说明(高考综合改革实验省份试用)(第一版)[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2015.
[2] 陈应妮.整合模块话题 突破高考写作[J]. 中小学英语教学与研究, 2014(8).
[3] 王佩娜.运用词块学习策略,提高高中生英语写作水平[J]. 中小学英语教学与研究, 2008(1).
[4] 董妍, 俞国良.青少年学业情绪问卷的编制及应用[J]. 心理学报, 2007(39): 852-860.
1. 依托主题,组建词块
词块,即词汇组块(lexical chunk),是语言使用者在语言输入和输出过程中频繁使用的,集语法、词汇和功能于一体,具有特定语义和结构并以固定或半固定形式存在,有利于提高语言生成能力的短语、固定搭配、习惯用语和句式。为了有效记忆词汇,依托话题,组建词块,讲究方法,设计形式丰富的“Proof Reading”的教学导入。以情境式教学,高效唤醒学生的学科情绪,吸引学生积极主动参与课堂活动,提升课堂效率。以健康为主题的短文改错教学模式探究如下:
1.1 巧设谜语,猜测词汇
例如,结合人教版必修三Unit 2 Healthy eating设计健康饮食主题的Proof Reading,以猜谜测词形式导入:(1) What vegetable is like a chicken farm? (Key: An eggplant. Note: egg (鸡蛋)和plant (工厂)组成了eggplant (茄子));(2) Which is the smallest room in the world? (Key: Mushroom.)
1.2 看图说词,识记词汇
例如,看图说词Roast Pork/Cheese/Spaghetti/Bread,再由bread引出Bread is the staff of life. (民以食为天。)
1.3 设置改错,考查词汇
例如,归纳三大类食物:(1) Protect food that helps the body fight diseases. (Key: Protective) (2) Body-build food that helps grow bones and muscles. (Key: Body-building) (3) Energy-gave food that provides energy. (Key: Energy-giving)
1.4 連词成句,运用词汇
例如,(1) Protective food that helps the body fight diseases, including ____. (Key: eggplants and mushrooms) (2) Body-building food that helps grow bones and muscles, including ____. (Key: roast pork and cheese) 3. Energy-giving food that provides energy, including ____. (Key: spaghetti and bread)
1.5 欣赏视频,拓展词汇
通过观看健康主题真人秀“The Biggest Loser《超级减肥王》”等深刻理解健康与饮食、作息习惯的关系,树立正确的饮食观念,养成健康饮食与科学作息的好习惯。
2. 开发教材,创新真题
董妍、俞国良发现情绪最好是按照两个纬度进行分类,一个是唤醒度水平(arousal),可分为高、低两个水平;一个是愉悦度(value),可分为积极效价和消极效价。依托话题,将教材内容与高考真题二者巧妙结合在情境中,辅以丰富直观的图片高度唤醒学生愉悦的学业情绪,积极参与课堂活动。在“Proof Reading”教学中,再现高考真题,考查学生在阅读理解的基础上发现并纠正包括词法、句法、行文逻辑等类型语言错误的能力。
例如选择饮食健康(Diet and health)为话题的Proof Reading,紧密联系人教版教材B3-2 Healthy eating设置生日情境,结合精心选择的六幅图,师生谈论选择餐馆就餐,水到渠成地引出相关主题的2016全国卷I英语短文改错。教学设计如下:
2.1 创设语境,奇思妙想
Talk: Today is Li Hua’s birthday, so he is going to invite some friends for dinner. There are three restaurants, my uncle’s restaurant, Yong Hui’s restaurant and Wang Peng’s restaurant. However, he doesn’t know which restaurant is the best one. Could you make a suggestion?(设计意图:情境式培养学生的发散思维、逻辑思维能力及应试技能,突出语用价值,实现语篇价值。)(1)改一改:餐馆招牌的语法错误Sign①: Honest is the best policy. Make sure that fresh vegetables and high quality oil is used for cooking. (Key: Honest→Honesty, is→are) Sign②: Tired from all that fat? Want to lose weigh? Only slimming foods serving here. (Key: from→of, weigh→weight, serving→served) Sign③: Want to feel fit and energy? Come and eating here! Discounts today!(Key: energy→energetic, eating→eat) (2)选一选:根据招牌找店主Sign①: My Uncle’ s Sign; Sign②: Yong Hui’s Sign; Sign③: Wang Peng’s sign (3)填一填:发散思维食物名词①A happy couple are having ____. ②A slim girl is drinking ____. ③A fat man is eating ____. (4)猜一猜:来自哪家餐馆的食客?(5)演一演:你选择哪家餐馆就餐?(6)想一想:You are ____ you eat. (Key: what) 2.2 考查真题,查缺补漏
2.3 创设新题,学以致用
2.3.1 改编教材原句为单句改错,夯实基础
引导学生合作探究,合理开发教材,重温语篇,精选佳句,设计成不同考点的单句改错:(1) I’ll help you lose weight and be fit in two week if you eat here every day. (2) He thought of his mutton, beef and bacon cooked in hottest, finest oil. (3) By now his restaurant ought to be full with people. (4) Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could won his customers back. (Key: week→weeks; 在in hottest之间加the考查冠词; with→of; won→win)
2.3.2 改编教材文本为短文改错,巩固提升
从语篇入手,挖掘文本内容。概括提炼语篇,变文本为考题,学生借助教材进行“创材”大练兵:(1)改编B3-2 Healthy eating为短文改错:Wang Peng’s restaurant was empty because some strange reasons. All of suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by. He greeted to Li Chang warmly, so he seemed not to hear. What was the matter? Something terribly must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in her restaurant as he always did. He followed Li Chang and discovered the new small restaurant. Wang Peng saw Yong Hui’ menu and thinking he’d better do some research. He did some research and decided to win his customer back. The competition between the restaurants were on. (2)學生竞赛设置考点:①because of+名词;②suddenly→sudden; ③删除to; ④so→but; ⑤terribly→terrible; ⑥her→his; ⑦the→a; ⑧thinking→thought; ⑨customer→customers; ⑩were→was。
2.3.3 改编高考真题,探究考点
研磨真题,全面探究考点,另辟蹊径,多方考查,改造真题:⑴学生改编2016全国卷短文改错的代表作:My uncle is an owner of a restaurant close to which I live. Though very big, the restaurant is popular in our area. It is always crowding with customers at meal times. Some people even have to wait for outside. My uncle tells me that the key to her success is honesty. Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables and high quality oil is used for cooking. My uncle says that he never dreams of become rich in a short period of times. Instead, he hopes that his business would grow steadily. ⑵ 学生评析探究考点:①an→the 考查定冠词;②which→where 考查宾语从句;③在Though后加not 考查副词;④crowding→crowded 考查形容词;⑤删除for 考查介词;⑥her→his 考查代词;⑦is→are 考查be动词主谓一致;⑧become→becoming 考查动词现在分词;⑨times→time 考查名词单复数;⑩would→will 考查情态动词。
3. 延伸情境,拓展写作
健康主题“Proof Reading”教学的最后环节,结合情境,引出主题写作,与全国卷英语写作相吻合,旨在培养学生的语言综合运用技能。设计写作环节如下:假如你是李华。最近,你收到笔友Wang Peng发来的邮件,在邮件中,他提到他忙于与Yong Hui的餐馆生意竞争,作息、饮食无规律,导致体重超重,而且体质较弱。请给他回一封100个词左右的邮件。内容包括:(1)避免不健康的生活方式(如花太多时间上网、经常吃快餐食品、缺少运动);(2)养成良好的生活习惯(如注意饮食均衡;坚持体育锻炼);(3)建议他与Yong Hui联合,推出营养均衡的菜谱。
4. 结语
话题式“Proof Reading”教学模式,变枯燥的短文改错为一个个鲜活生动的画面;通过体验层层递进的故事情境,唤醒学生主动去参与感知、分析归纳、探究创新、提升能力,变苦学为乐学。
该教学模式,对教师提出更高的要求:(1)教师必须熟悉教材和高考真题,找准结合点,才能重点突出,产生共鸣;(2)教师要具备开发创作能力,使主题内容故事化、情境化,激发兴趣;(3)教师应有导演的能力:以“物”唤情,物尽其用,重视“物”(多媒体设备、主题实物、主题图片、主题音乐等);生生平等,人才济济,人尽其才,关注“人”(每位学生既是不同英语能力但各有天赋的人才,又是每个团队合作学习的代表成员)。总之,坚持探究话题式“Proof Reading”教学模式,不断深入完善,定能达到教学相长的目的。
[1] 教育部考试中心.普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语科考试说明(高考综合改革实验省份试用)(第一版)[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2015.
[2] 陈应妮.整合模块话题 突破高考写作[J]. 中小学英语教学与研究, 2014(8).
[3] 王佩娜.运用词块学习策略,提高高中生英语写作水平[J]. 中小学英语教学与研究, 2008(1).
[4] 董妍, 俞国良.青少年学业情绪问卷的编制及应用[J]. 心理学报, 2007(39): 852-860.