
来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smeie
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广西壮族自治区高级人民法院民三庭注重知识产权案件的调解工作,把调解作为平衡权利人、被控侵权人和社会公众利益的重要手段,作为促进科技成果转化和社会和谐建设的重要途径。2010年,该庭二审知识产权民事案件调撤率达到89.1%,比2009年提高了30%。全区法院2010年一审知识产权民事案件调撤率达到 The Min Tribunal of the Higher People’s Court of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region paid special attention to the mediation work of intellectual property cases and took mediation as an important measure to balance the interests of right holders, accused infringers and the public, as an important way to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and social harmony. In 2010, the court ordered the second trial of civil cases of intellectual property rights, the transfer rate reached 89.1%, an increase of 30% over 2009. The Court of First Instance in 2010 reached a civil case of intellectual property transfer and withdrawal rate reached
晚上,正准备睡觉,手机突然响起了短信提示音,打开一看,号码是陌生的。但短短的一句话却像炸弹一样在我脑袋里炸开了:“罚站是教育的一种手段,但如果孩子连为什么被罚站都不知道,这样的教育还有意义吗?”  我睡意全无。  我让谁罚站了?躺在床上,脑子如放电影一般重复着白天在幼儿园的每一个细节,可怎么也想不起有谁被罚站过。  一夜无眠。好不容易挨到天亮。到幼儿园的第一件事,就是拿起小朋友的花名册,我想知道,