
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghw0531
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在介绍本文主旨内容,先了解一个新词“OTS”。OTS(online travel service),指的是上控资源,中控技术和大数据,下控客源的在线的资源型旅行社,我给它的定义是:以观光、休闲、度假为主题,资源优势为竞争,旅游产品线路及相关服务为产品的传统旅行社(TTA)智慧化变革后的在线资源型旅行社。传统旅行社发展至今面临着和游客之间的隔阂日益加重、散客游比重不断上升的,OTA(online travel agency)的逐步侵蚀与线下发展布局等三大挑战,可谓是内忧外患,因此传统旅行社必须 In introducing the main content of this article, first understand a new word “OTS ”. OTS (online travel service) refers to an online resource-based travel agency that controls resources, central control technology and big data, and controls tourists. My definition is: tourism, leisure and vacation, resource advantages The traditional travel agency (TTA) for the competition, tourism product lines and related services is the intelligent online resource travel agency after the revolution. The development of traditional travel agencies is facing the three major challenges of the gradual erode of OTA (online travel agency) and the layout of offline development. Therefore, the traditional travel agencies have to