我院自1985年10月至1991年10月先后对我县应征体检查体合格的3400例健康男性青年进行了HB_5Ag·SGPT测定。现将结果报告分析如下: 一、对象 3400例男性青年均为应征体检查体合格的健康人,年龄18—20岁。既往健康,个人及家庭无肝炎史,无自觉症状,查体肝脾不大。二、方法 3400例均进行HB_5Ag·SGPT测定。HB_sAg·SGPT采用卫生部北京生物制品研究所试剂,反向被动血凝法,滴度≥1:8为阳性。SGPT采用本院自配试剂,赖氏法,正常值:0—25°,>25°为阳性。诊断标准:1.乙型肝火:无论有无症状,SGPT增高,HB_5Ag·≥1:8。2.无症状HB_5Ag携带者:HB_5Ag阳性,无症状及病史,SGPT正常。
Our hospital from October 1985 to October 1991 successively in my county qualified candidates for physical examination 3400 healthy male youth conducted HB_5Ag · SGPT determination. Now report the results as follows: First, the object 3400 cases of young men are eligible for examination of healthy volunteers, aged 18-20 years. Past health, personal and family history of no hepatitis, no symptoms, physical examination of liver and spleen is not. Second, the method 3400 cases were measured HB_5Ag · SGPT. HB_sAg · SGPT using the Beijing Institute of Biological Products Ministry of Health reagents, reverse passive hemagglutination, titer ≥ 1: 8 is positive. SGPT with our own self-reagent, Lai’s method, normal: 0-25 °,> 25 ° is positive. Diagnostic criteria: 1. Hepatitis B: SGPT increased, regardless of asymptomatic, HB_5Ag ≥ 1: 8.2 Asymptomatic HB_5Ag carriers: HB_5Ag positive, asymptomatic and history, SGPT normal.