中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)是我国特有珍贵的野生动物。近年来,中国林蛙在我地区养殖面积较大也是养殖效益较好的养殖品种之一。养殖模式主要有全人工养殖(也叫集约化养殖)和半人工养殖(也叫封山或封沟式养殖),但由于每种养殖模式又各有优缺点,广大养殖户及准备从事中国林蛙养殖的养殖户难以选择,为了帮助养殖户选择适于自己的养殖模式,我们于2011年、2012年连续两年进行了《中国林蛙全人工与半人工养殖效果对比试验》,试验结果表
Rana chensinensis is a unique and precious wildlife in China. In recent years, Rana chensinensis in our region is also a larger area of aquaculture farming is one of better breeding. Breeding patterns are mainly all artificial breeding (also known as intensive farming) and semi-artificial breeding (also known as the closure or seal furrow farming), but because of each farming model has its own advantages and disadvantages, the majority of farmers and ready to engage in Chinese forest Frog breeding farmers difficult to choose, in order to help farmers choose their own breeding mode, in 2011 and 2012 for two consecutive years, “Chinese Rana chensinensis artificial and semi-artificial breeding contrast test”, the results table